Monday, November 28, 2011


November 17, 2011

At an overwhelming and remarkable ceremony yesterday, President and Founder of LEON Foundation,  Dr. Joyce Leon-Gomez donated 10 computers Liteon 24x Sata I HAS124, 10 monitors AQC LED 18.5 inches, 10 Stabilizer Forza 1200 VA, 10 kit Genius Multimedia KB, 10 Processor AMD 2.8GHZ, 10 Main board Astrock GF Nvidia 7025, 10 hard drive 500GB Segate Sata3 6GB, 10 Memory DDR3 2GB, 10 case Prescott Halion 600W, software windows 7 ultimate and antivirus to the Juan Pablo II School in the community of Moron, Chaclacayo-Peru. The donation has a value of 17,550 nuevos soles, (6,500 dollars). During the ceremony, Dr. Leon announced that, in response to the Juan Pablo II Director's call to help education of under privileged students, Leon Foundation is answering and reaffirming the request and continue the mission that Leon Foundation has with children of Peru which is to support student’s education through technology.

Dr. Leon said, "The donation of these computers will make a big difference for the children at Juan Pablo II School. Access to this equipment will help prepare them for the 21st Century. They will now be able to learn the high-tech skills, elevate their creativity, increase research and investigation, be interconnected with the world and learn about other cultures.”

Students from Juan Pablo II School of Moron now have access to technology. The school enrollment is 520 students. Donation of computers to schools has been, and will continue to be, a part of Leon Foundation’s overall plan to help the students of Peru to improve their education.

Also, November 16th was a very special day for Leon Foundation and for Juan Pablo II School by presenting the Awards and Diplomas to five students that won the contest “Knowing My District.” The 1st place was for Bertha Maricel Vilchez Peralta winner of a Samsung 10MP Digital Camera, the 2nd place was for Cristian Gonzalo Castro Yance, winner of a Cannon Digital Camera 7MP, the 3rd place was presented to Saul Roy Abregu Palomino winner of $75 dollars. The 4th place was presented to Brayan Alexander Llantoy Moreno winner of $50 dollars and the 5th place was given to Julio Cesar Perez Cotrina winner of $30 dollars.

Leon Foundation awarded plaques to Lic. Marcelo Del Carpio, Director of Juan Pablo II School, Lic. Eduardo Esteban Hinostroza Veliz, Computer teacher, Lic. Edwin Miller Torres Damas, Math teacher, Prof. Carmen Carhuallanqui Aliaga and Prof. Olga Huiza Quispe teachers of Juan Pablo II School who supervised and guided students in the contest “Knowing My District.”

The Director of Juan Pablo II School Marcelo del Carpio, extended his deepest appreciation to the Leon Foundation and all persons connected with the Leon Foundation who have contributed to this great act of generosity. “With your generosity and support, we look forward to a bright future for the Juan Pablo II students” he emphatically expressed to Dr. Leon.

Contact: Vice-President LEON Foundation, Annette Shahedi at
or  Public Relations Director LEON Foundation, Mason Leandro

Historia del Colegio Juan Pablo II de Moron-Peru

Reseña histórica de la IE Nº1188
En la Av. Unión s7n A.A.H.H “virgen de Fátima” , Moron del distrito de Chaclacayo, en el año de 1963, bajo la gestión de los vecinos deciden crear LA ESCUELA DE MUJERES Nº 727 y luego LA ESCUELA DE VARONES Nº 41873. La primera escuela se crea mediante Revolución Ministerial Nº 318 del 25 de Mayo de 1963 y el mismo año entra en funcionamiento la segunda escuela.

Mediante la Resolución ministerial Nº991, el 30 de Abril de 1971, ambas escuelas se fusionan y reciben denominación de ESCUELA PRIMARIA DE MENORES Nº1188.

Mediante R.D.Nº 7178 del mes de Octubre de 1984, se da la ampliación de Primaria a Secundaria. LA DIRECCION DEPARTAMENTAL DE LIMA, sugiere que en una asamblea general conformado por los docentes, personal administrativo y de padres de familia, designen el nombre de la I.E. que hasta entonces se llamaba ESCUELA PRIMARIA DE MENORES Nº 1188. Dando cumplimiento con la sugerencia, se llevó a cabo la asamblea que preside la Directora del plantel: Florentina Chávez de Cachay, acordándose en reunión de profesores y padres de familia que la Institución Educativa Nº1188 se denominará “JUAN PABLO II” Papa de la Iglesia Católica que hacían dos años visito el Perú.

La institución Educativo Nº1188 “Juan Pablo II” en la actualidad cuenta con una población escolar de 200 alumnos en el nivel primario y 320 alumnos en el nivel secundaria, la plana docente cuenta con 16 docentes profesionales en educación que tienen como misión preparar a sus alumnos para que asuman el reto de ser los conductores de un mañana mejor.

También la Institución educativa tiene 4 trabajadores administrativos dedicados al mantenimiento y buena conservación del mismo.

Así mismo la Institución Educativa cuenta con una infraestructura moderna desde 1998 construida por la INFES.

Juan Pablo II fue el Primer Colegio Nacional de Chaclacayo.

Leon Foundation Supports Education in Peru
LEON FOUNDATION reconoce y valorar el esfuerzo de los estudiantes realizando actividades a nivel secundario que envuelvan informacion, investigacion y participacion communal, actividades que buscan apoyar a los estudiantes a identificarse y a conocer a fondo el lugar donde viven y estudian.

LEON Foundation organizó el primer concurso a nivel secundario en la localidad de Chaclacayo, Peru titulado “Conociendo Mi Distrito”, que motivó a los alumnos a investigar y a conocer la historia, creacion, planificacion y desarrollo de su distrito. En el mes de Junio de este año el concurso “Conociendo Mi Distrito” tuvo la participacion de 70 alumnos de 4to y 5to de Secundaria del Colegio Juan Pablo II de Moron supervisados y asesorados por sus profesores que trabajaron incansablemente en este proyecto por tres meses.

Trece de estos trabajos fueron seleccionados por sus profesores como los mejores. Los trabajos fueron enviados a LEON Foundation el 15 de Setiembre del 2011 y recepcionados por la Presidenta y Fundadora de leon Foundation, Dra. Joyce Leon-Gomez para su evaluación y selección.

LEON Foundation se complace en anunciar que de los trece trabajos recibidos de los alumnos del Colegio Juan Pablo II de Moron, muchos de ellos sobrepasaron las expectativas y despues de una exhaustiva revision cinco de ellos fueron seleccionados para ocupar el primer puesto, segundo puesto, tercer puesto, cuarto puesto y quinto puesto.

La relacion de ganadores y premiación sera divulgada y entregada en una ceremonia oficial el 16 de Noviembre del 2011.

Los objetivos de “Conociendo Mi Distrito” auspiciado por LEON Foundation fueron los de estimular la investigacion y el conocimiento de los alumnos de secundaria. Promover el perfeccionamiento de sus cualidades para el desarrollo de proyectos como este y el de incentivar a los alumnos a una participacion activa en los problemas de la comunidad y a crear ideas que contribuyan al desarrollo de la comunidad y del país, afirmo su Fundadora y Presidenta Dra. Joyce Leon-Gomez.

A Dream Come True

An underprivileged school in Lima Peru, has been awarded with ten computers, software, antivirus, and monitors from the Leon Foundation in order to support the idea of education through technology, an ideal highly regarded by the Leon Foundation. Through its 2011-2012 “A Dream Come True Project,” the Leon Foundation plans to donate 24 computers to implement a computer lab that will help better educate the 520 students of John Paul II, a school from k to 8th grade and high school located in Moron, Lima-Peru. With this donation, students will have the opportunity to learn the customs of different cultures around the world as well as have access to everything that the internet has to offer. They will be able to look into different careers fields offered and have a better understanding of what life is like outside of their community. Most important of all, they will be able to research different schooling options they can follow after graduation from John Paul II. Whether the students choose to go into a field in computer science, history, linguistics or any other educational fields, they will at least have the opportunity to explore all possible options.

Not everyone has the ability to be further educated because they don’t have the tools to research the necessary path they must take. With this donation, the students of John Paul II will be given this opportunity and hopefully take full advantage of it. This is the intention of the Leon Foundation as the underlying statement of the foundation is to always better oneself through further education.

The Leon Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that sets its crosshairs at knowledge via technology. It originated in the golden state of California by CEO Dr. Joyce Leon-Gomez. Its main goal is to provide computer technology to less fortunate schools, churches, and other public institutions throughout South America. The Foundation gets its funding through grants and donations by generous individuals, corporations and governments that share the same passion for gaining greater education.

Its main offices are located in Sacramento, CA although representatives often travel to South America, in particularly but not limited to, Peru in order ensure that computers and educational supplies are properly delivered and installed. It is the philosophy of the Leon Foundation that greater knowledge is always feasible.

People always have the ability, and should have the passion, to expand their spectrum of knowledge in order to better understand themselves and the world around them. Albert Einstein once said that “the only source of knowledge is experience.” Unfortunately not everybody has the ability to fully experience their educational range because they lack the technology to do so said Joyce Leon-Gomez, President and Founder of Leon Foundation.  That’s where the Leon Foundation comes in. It is their intention to give the less fortunate peoples of South America all possible sources of information through technology in order to broaden their knowledge. If you share this same passion, please do not be shy and donate to the Leon Foundation. Donations are accepted in the form of cash, real property, automobiles, boats, planes, other vehicles, and publicly traded securities. You can donate at and while you’re there, feel free to explore the foundation and its philosophies.

The Leon Foundation has been working toward better educating the students and general public in South America since 2009. The Foundation plans to be very active in the communities of South America for many years to come and is devising projects in order to award these communities with the technology needed to better education.

Everyone deserves the opportunity to learn. The Leon Foundation simply gives them this opportunity. Giving hope with your help.

Contact: Mason Leandro, Public Relations Director - 916-817-7382

Annette Shahedi, Vice President 408-472-6907

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Knowing My District

For Immediate Release


Mason Leandro, Public Relations Director 916-817-7382
Annette Shahedi, Vice President 408-472-6907

News Release

The Leon Foundation put on a contest entitled “Knowing My District” at Juan Pablo II School in Moron, Peru in order for attending students to learn about and better understand their community. The contest was started July 1st and submissions were taken September 15th. Thirteen of Fifty students were chosen by Assesors Lic. Eduardo Esteban Hinostroza Veliz, Lic. Edwin Miller Torres Damas, Lic. Olga Huisa and Lic. Carmen Carhuallanqui to be eligible for the contest. Five students were chosen from these thirteen to receive prizes given by the Leon Foundation in a ceremony that will be held on November 16th at Juan Pablo II School. 1st and 2nd place receive a HZ10W Samsung camera, 3rd takes a $75.00 prize, 4th takes $50.00, and 5th take $30.00.
The five winners will be announced on November 16th although all showed great competency and effort. This project gave students not only the ability to learn about their community and school but also taught them specific skills about how to do research and collect information. The students were given the chance to explore different career fields in the community as well as sprout ideas about new career fields that could be started.

The Leon Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that sets its crosshairs at knowledge via technology. It originated in the golden state of California by CEO Joyce Leon. Its main goal is to provide computer technology to less fortunate schools, churches, and other public institutions throughout South America. The Foundation gets it’s funding through grants and donations by generous individuals, corporations and governments that share the same passion for gaining greater education. Its main offices are located in Sacramento, CA although representatives often travel to South America, in particularly but not limited to, Peru in order ensure that computers and educational supplies are properly delivered and installed.

It is the philosophy of the Leon Foundation that greater knowledge is always feasible. People always have the ability, and should have the passion, to expand their spectrum of knowledge in order to better understand themselves and the world around them. Albert Einstein once said that “the only source of knowledge is experience.”

Unfortunately not everybody has the ability to fully experience their educational range because they lack the technology to do so. That’s where the Leon Foundation comes in. It is their intention to give the less fortunate peoples of South America all possible sources of information through technology in order to broaden their knowledge.

 If you share this same passion, please do not be shy and donate to the Leon Foundation. Donations are accepted in the form of cash, real property, automobiles, boats, planes, other vehicles, and publicly traded securities. You can donate at and while you’re there, feel free to explore the foundation and its philosophies.

The Leon Foundation has been working toward better educating the students and general public in South America since 2009. The Foundation plans to be very active in the communities of South America for many years to come and is devising projects in order to award these communities with the technology needed to better education. For more information, please contact Annette Shahedi by emailing her at Everyone deserves the opportunity to learn. The Leon Foundation simply gives them this opportunity. Giving hope with your help.

A Dream Come True

For Immediate Release

Mason Leandro, Public Relations Director 916-817-7382
Annette Shahedi, Vice President 408-472-6907
News Release

An underprivileged school in Lima Peru, has been awarded with ten computers, software, antivirus, and monitors from the Leon Foundation in order to support the idea of education through technology, an ideal highly regarded by the Leon Foundation. Through its 2011-2012 “A Dream Come True Project,” the Leon Foundation plans to donate 24 computers to implement a computer lab that will help better educate the 520 students of John Paul II, a school from k to 8th grade and high school located in Moron, Chaclacayo-Peru. With this donation, students will have the opportunity to learn the customs of different cultures around the world as well as have access to everything that the internet has to offer. They will be able to look into different careers fields offered and have a better understanding of what life is like outside of their community. Most important of all, they will be able to research different schooling options they can follow after graduation from John Paul II. Whether the students choose to go into a field in computer science, history, linguistics or any other educational fields, they will at least have the opportunity to explore all possible options.

Not everyone has the ability to be further educated because they don’t have the tools to research the necessary path they must take. With this donation, the students of John Paul II will be given this opportunity and hopefully take full advantage of it. This is the intention of the Leon Foundation as the underlying statement of the foundation is to always better oneself through further education.

The Leon Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that sets its crosshairs at knowledge via technology. It originated in the golden state of California by CEO Dr. Joyce Leon-Gomez. Its main goal is to provide computer technology to less fortunate schools, churches, and other public institutions throughout South America. The Foundation gets its funding through grants and donations by generous individuals, corporations and governments that share the same passion for gaining greater education. Its main offices are located in Sacramento, CA although representatives often travel to South America, in particularly but not limited to, Peru in order ensure that computers and educational supplies are properly delivered and installed. It is the philosophy of the Leon Foundation that greater knowledge is always feasible.

People always have the ability, and should have the passion, to expand their spectrum of knowledge in order to better understand themselves and the world around them. Albert Einstein once said that “the only source of knowledge is experience.” Unfortunately not everybody has the ability to fully experience their educational range because they lack the technology to do so. That’s where the Leon Foundation comes in. It is their intention to give the less fortunate peoples of South America all possible sources of information through technology in order to broaden their knowledge. If you share this same passion, please do not be shy and donate to the Leon Foundation. Donations are accepted in the form of cash, real property, automobiles, boats, planes, other vehicles, and publicly traded securities. You can donate at and while you’re there, feel free to explore the foundation and its philosophies.

The Leon Foundation has been working toward better educating the students and general public in South America since 2009. The Foundation plans to be very active in the communities of South America for many years to come and is devising projects in order to award these communities with the technology needed to better education. For more information, please contact Annette Shahedi by emailing her at Everyone deserves the opportunity to learn. The Leon Foundation simply gives them this opportunity. Giving hope with your help.