Thursday, August 30, 2012

Juan Pablo II school is very thankful for the Leon Foundation

On November 16, 2011 the Leon Foundation had the wonderful oppurtunity to go to Juan Pablo II, an under-privileged school located in Lima, Peru. We were able to donate ten computers along with software, anti-viruses, and monitors in hope that it would better their educational system. The impact that these mere ten computers had on not only the children but the society as a whole was immense. The community organized a celebration in which we enjoyed traditional dances presented by each grade, a blessing of the computers by a formal priest, many wonderful speeches and even an appearance by the mayor of Lima!! This is a video of Lic. Eduardo Hinostroza showing his appreciation on behalf of everyone :)

Nicholas Mathews
Marketing director

Monday, August 27, 2012

It's all the about the little things llfe

It really is all about the little things in life. 
We have taken the time and money to make these wonderful bracelets and stickers for the Leon Foundation. We will sell these for two dollars each. Not only will a hundred percent of that be donated towards the peruvian children but you will also be helping us raise awareness of our foundation. Please contact us if are interested in helping a tremedous amount in a flashy way. For purchasing information you can contact us via email at or you all so much for your consideration!!
Nicholas Mathews
Marketing Director at Leon Foundation

Friday, August 24, 2012

LEON Foundation participation in the PRESIDENT’S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD program as a Certifying Organization.

August 24, 2012
Dear Volunteer:
We are pleased to announce our participation in the PRESIDENT’S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD program as a Certifying Organization. 
This new AWARD is a Presidential honor that recognizes the valuable contributions of volunteers nationwide who are answering President George W. Bush’s call to serve others through their current volunteer activities or lifetime service. As a
Certifying Organization, we will identify eligible recipients, verify their service hours, and distribute the AWARD to outstanding volunteers.
Today, we invite you to apply for this AWARD, if you meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the table below, by contacting LEON Foundation at
Given your ongoing service activities, many of you may already meet the requirements to receive the AWARD. To qualify, volunteers simply submit a record of their service hours to LEON FOUNDATION, and we verify the service and distribute the AWARD.
For those volunteers who haven’t accumulated enough hours of service to be eligible for the AWARD, I encourage you to contact us at to sign up for additional volunteer projects available through our organization. We have ongoing service projects as well as one-time community projects during Make A Difference Day, National Family Volunteer Day or National Volunteer Week. You can participate in these service projects by yourself, with family members, neighbors, or colleagues from work.
Additionally, eligible volunteer service hours are not limited to those performed on behalf of LEON FOUNDATION. In fact, service hours can be accumulated through work on a variety of projects throughout the year. The only requirement is that the hours be completed within 12 months; recipients can qualify for a new AWARD each year.

To be eligible to receive the PRESIDENT’S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD, Applicants’ service hours must be confirmed by a registered Certifying Organization.

There are three levels of the AWARD varying by hours of service completed within a 12-month period:
Kids - 14 and younger
• Bronze Award 50 - 74 hours
• Silver Award 75 - 99 hours
• Gold Award 100 or more hours

Adults - Ages 26 and up
Bronze Award 100 - 249 hours
Silver Award 250 - 499 hours
Gold Award 500 or more hours

Young Adults - Ages 15 - 25
• Bronze Award 100-174 hours
• Silver Award 175 - 249 hours
• Gold Award 250 or more hours

Families and Groups (two or more people)*
Bronze Award 200 - 499 hours
Silver Award 500 - 999 hours
Gold Award 1,000 or more hours
*Each member contributing at least 25 hours towards the total
Individuals who have completed 4,000 or more volunteer service hours over the course of their lifetime are eligible to receive the PRESIDENT’S CALL TO SERVICE AWARD.

Nicholas Mathews
Marketing Director Leon Foundation

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Medio Ambiente y Salud Colegio Juan Pablo II Moron

El Colegio Juan Pablo II de Moron- Chaclacayo , a traves del asesoramiento y guia del Licenciado Walter Otero Pino viene desarrollando con los alumnos de diferentes grados de secundaria el plan de trabajo “Medio Ambiente y Salud” Patrocinado por  Leon Foundation.

Este proyecto tiene por finalidad incentivar a los alumnos a mantener su colegio limpio y saludable asi tambien como a cuidar el lugar donde viven y su medio ambiente. Para llevar adelante este proyecto tanto el Licenciado Otero como los alumnos y la Brigada de Salud formada con 12 alumnos voluntarios de la institucion el 20 de Diciembre del 2011 continuan realizando una ardua labor en el cuidado de los servicios higienicos y areas verdes concientizando a los mas pequenos a cuidar el colegio y el medio ambiente.

Por conversaciones tenida con el Coordinador General del proyecto de investigacion “Medio Ambiente y Salud” en Peru, el Licenciado Eduardo Hinostroza, tanto los alumnos como el Licenciado Otero vienen trabajando conjuntamente en el cuidado de las areas verdes y plantas para tener un colegio hermoso donde todos estaran orgullosos de los logros obtenidos.

 Muchos de los alumnos estan llevando este proyecto fuera de su centro de aprendizaje e inculcando a sus familia y a la comunidad a cuidar mas el lugar donde viven y a reciclar la basura y depositarla en lugares establecidos. Este proyecto de “Medio Ambiente y Salud” patrocinado y apoyado por Leon Foundation tiene tambien por finalidad incentivar a otros colegios en la comunidad a seguir el ejemplo del Colegio Juan Pablo II de Moron que esta hacienda una diferencia en el lugar donde viven y estudian.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Perú publica Ley de Promoción de Banda Ancha y Fibra Óptica para Acceso al Internet

Perú publica Ley de Promoción de Banda Ancha y Fibra Óptica FUENTE: Agencia Mediatelecom FECHA: 23 Julio 2012 
Por Mariana Torres Maldonado 

El diario oficial peruano publicó la Ley de Promoción de la Banda Ancha y Construcción de la Red Dorsal Nacional de la Fibra Óptica, cuyo objetivo es el desarrollo de la conectividad para el acceso a Internet de banda ancha. La ley ordena construir una red d
orsal de fibra óptica y prevé otros conceptos como “Neutralidad de la red”.
El ordenamiento declara como un “servicio básico y universal de comunicaciones el acceso a Internet de banda ancha”; entiende la velocidad mínima del servicio en 2 Megabytes de subida y de bajada, independientemente de la ubicación geográfica y de la tecnología utilizada.
El rol del Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones estaría destinado, de acuerdo con la ley, a velar porque la implementación y operación de la red dorsal de fibra óptica se realice garantizando la competencia, de tal forma que el acceso a dicha red se dé en igualdad de condiciones.
Asimismo velará por los criterios tarifarios aplicables al operador de la red. También determinará las características técnicas de las conexiones de internet de banda ancha, supervisará el mercado y sancionará cualquier práctica anticompetitiva o incumplimiento que busque impedir el fin propuesto por el Estado.
El organismo será responsable de velar por el principio de Neutralidad de Red, lo cual significa que los proveedores de acceso a Internet no puedan de manera arbitraria bloquear, interferir, discriminar ni restringir el derecho de cualquier usuario a utilizar una aplicación, independientemente de su origen, destino, naturaleza o propiedad.
De acuerdo con el Plan Nacional de Banda Ancha peruano, el 100 por ciento de los centros educativos y de salud deberán estar conectados en 2016 a una velocidad mínima de 2 Mbps, así como la totalidad de los distritos de Perú; alcanzar cuatro millones de conexiones de banda ancha, y medio millón de conexiones de Banda Ancha de alta velocidad mayores de 4 Mbps.

The Forum of Young Global Leaders

The Forum of Young Global Leaders has established a comprehensive selection process for identifying and selecting the most exceptional leaders 40 years of age or younger. Every year, thousands of candidates from around the world are propose
d and assessed according to rigorous selection criteria.
Only the very best candidates are selected and all efforts are extended to create a truly representative body. First, the shortlisted candidates are evaluated by Heidrick & Struggles, recognised as one of the world's leading executive search and leadership consulting firms. As a final step in the selection process, the candidates are screened by the Selection Committee.
Reflecting the diversity of stakeholders, the Young Global Leaders include leaders from politics, business, civil society, academia, and arts and culture across seven geographic regions. Together, they form a unique community that can dramatically affect the lives of future generations and craft innovative responses to address global and regional challenges.
Candidates for Young Global Leaders are selected based on the following criteria: 
He/she is 40 years of age or younger at the time of nomination (to be eligible for the nomination and selection process of the Class of 2014, the candidate must have been born on or after 1 January 1974).
He/she has a recognized record of extraordinary achievement and a proven track record of substantial leadership experience. Typically, this means 5-15 years of outstanding professional work experience and a clear indication of playing a substantial leadership role for the rest of his or her career.
He/she has demonstrated a commitment to serve society at large through exceptional contributions, and have a global perspective.
He/she must have an impeccable record in the public eye and good standing in his/her community, as well as show great self-awareness and a desire for learning.
Candidates from the business sector must be responsible for the full operation of a qualifying corporation or division and must hold one of the following titles: President, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Managing Partner or Publisher, or equivalent of any of the above. If the company is a Member or Partner of the World Economic Forum, the candidate requires the approval of the CEO or Chairman of the Board of the respective company.
Companies, organizations and entities can only nominate one candidate from the qualifying company every two years.
Kindly note that self nominations are not accepted. 
**The deadline to submit nominations for the class of 2014 is June 30 2014**

Happy Day to Peruvian Children!

See the information at Facebook link

Feliz dia a todos los niños del Peru!!!
Children's Day is celebrated on various days in many places around the world, to honor children globally. It was established in 1954 to protect children working long hours in dangerous circumstances a nd allow all children access to an education. The UN General Assembly recommended that all countries should establish a Universal Children's Day on an "appropriate" day. Major global variants include a Universal Children's Day on November 20, by United Nations recommendation.

According to Peruvian law in Peru, Children's Day (Día del Niño Peruano (Ley Nº 27666) , literally Peruvian Children's Day (Law Nº 27666)) is celebrated every third Sunday of August.

Leon Foundation at Banana Festival

See the banana festival pictures in this Facebook link

Leon Foundation participated in the Third Banana Festival Celebration of Art, Music, Food, Culture, Community, Diversity and Health and Wellness! Saturday, August 18th, 10am to 7pm and Sunday, August 19th, 10am to 5pm William Land Park – 140
1 Sutterville Rd, Sacramento.

Thank you very much to Sojourner Truth Multicultural Art Museum & Development Center for this beautiful weekend!!! At the Banana Festival Art Exhibition people enjoyed in the Open Air Market Place. Visiting Community Resource Providers Feast on a variety of Banana Dishes. Listening to the Rhythms off Reggae, Samba, Blues, Soul and Rock. Enjoying Diverse Cultural Dance Groups From around the world! Enjoying the famous Smash Chief Challenge. Getting their heart pumping with Banana Line Dancing, Banana Zumba and Josephine Baker Dance grooves Children enjoying Rides, Jumpers, Banana Gardening, Banana mural painting, Banana Soap Carving, Magic Show, and much more!!!! Also Educational Exhibits Depicting the Banana.

Last but not least, from all the Team that is part of the Leon Foundation we want to give SPECIAL THANKS to Public Relations Director of Leon Foundation, Mason Leandro and Marketing Director of Leon Foundation, Nicholas Mathews for being very supportive at the Banana Festival!!! 

Nicholas Mathews
Marketing Director Leon Foundation
 at William Land Park.

Leon Foundation Facebook

See pictures at the facebook link

The Most Reverend Jaime Soto, Ninth Bishop from the Diocese of Sacramento gave a reflection on one of the mayor documents from Vatican II, at Woodlake hotel on August 12, 2012. The declaration on religious freedom, Dignitatis Humanae, asser
ted the right of persons and of communities to social and civil freedom in religious matters. Recent efforts to redefine religious liberty make this document's teachings timely tool for our commitment to bring the good of the Gospel to society. In light of this declaration Bishop Soto reflected on the current challenges to religious liberty. Leon Foundation President and Directors had the honor to attend lunch with Bishop Soto to this very important and sensitive subject in our times. 

Nicholas Mathews
Marketing Director Leon Foundation

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bishop Soto's Reflections on Vatican II Declaration

The Most Reverend Jaime Soto, Ninth Bishop from the Diocese of Sacramento gave a reflection on one of the mayor documents from Vatican II, at Woodlake hotel on August 12, 2012. The declaration on religious freedom, Dignitatis Humanae, asser
ted the right of persons and of communities to social and civil freedom in religious matters. Recent efforts to redefine religious liberty make this document's teachings timely tool for our commitment to bring the good of the Gospel to society. In light of this declaration Bishop Soto reflected on the current challenges to religious liberty. Leon Foundation President and Directors had the honor to attend lunch with Bishop Soto to this very important and sensitive subject in our times. 
Nicholas Mathews
Marketing Director Leon Foundation

(L-R) Marketing Director of Leon Foundation, Nicholas Mathews. Founder and President of Leon Foundation, Dr. Joyce Leon-Gomez, Most Reverend Bishop of Sacramento, Jaime Soto and Public Relations Director of Leon Foundation, Mason Leandro.

Leon Foundation President and Directors were present at Bishop Jaime Soto Reflections on the Vatican II Declaration, Dignitatis Humanae sponsored by Sacramento Catholic Forum on August 17, 2012.

(L- R) Public Relations Director of Leon Foundation, Mason Leandro, Marketing Director of Leon Foundation, Nicholas Mathews and Jessy Flores at the Sacramento Catholic Forum lunch and Conference.
 — with Jessy Flores Cardenas.

 (L-R) Marketing Director of Leon Foundation, Nicholas Mathews, Founder and President of Leon Foundation, Dr. Joyce Leon-Gomez, President of Sacramento Catholic Forum, Kathryn Rees and Public Relations Director of Leon Foundation, Mason Leandro.

 (L-R) Marketing Director of Leon Foundation, Nicholas Mathews, Founder and President of Leon Foundation, Dr. Joyce Leon-Gomez and Public Relations Director of Leon Foundation in a brief intermission at Woodlake Hotel in Sacramento.
 (L-R) Public Relations Director of Leon Foundation, Mason Leandro, Advisory Committee, Col. US Army Augustine Gomez and Marketing Director of Leon Foundation, Nicholas Mathews attending Bishop Jaime Soto Reflections on the Vatican II Declaration, Dignitatis Humanae on August 17, 2012 at Woodlake Hotel in Sacramento.

Leon Foundation attending Sacramento Catholic Forum Conference on August 17, 2012 at Woodlake hotel in sacramento.
 Leon Foundation enjoying a brief rest period.
(L-R) Public Relations Director of Leon Foundation, Mason Leandro and Marketing Director of Leon Foundation, Nicholas Mathews at Woodlake hotel on August 17,2012.

Thank You ZOOM Newspaper!

Many Generous Friends Helped Us to Reach Our Goal

What a fabulous event! Sunday night was a joy and a success! We had a great time starting with Giacomo’s Fiore delightful music, our supportive families, our joyful friends, our beautiful neighbors, our amazing volunteers, the decorations, the delicious dinner and sparkling drinks. We appreciate very much everyone who worked very hard planning and preparing for our 2012 August Event for Leon Foundation 
“Classical Guitar Concert and Dinner” 
There were many very generous friends who helped us reach our goal, among them are:
Giacomo Fiore: what a delightful and lovely music selection you offered us. Thank you very much! The entire guests were amazed with your beautiful music! 
Margaret and Wayn Resta: Thank you very much for your generous donation and for arriving early to help us. Your generosity and kindness is a blessing for us. 
Annette Shahedi: Thank you for being such a great helper! Without you, we wouldn't be able to figure out all the arrangements for our event! Thank you for being there to host all our friends and supporters!
Kathy Whitman: Thank you for your generous donation and for supporting our mission. 
Thor Spargo: you definitely add so much enjoinment to our event, we highly appreciate your support and donation to our cause. 
Abby Leon: Thank you for helping us to keep everything in place at our event! Your kindness is greatly appreciated.
Shannaleah Shahedi: Thank you for taking the pictures at the event. We enjoyed posing for you while you took the pictures! Thanks to you we will have a photo album of our event that will last a lifetime. 
Nicholas Mathews: Thank you from the bottom of our heart for being such a great volunteer! We all laughed! Thank you for taking care of our guests. 
Kelly Dawson: Thank you very much for your support! You brought out the joy you have in your heart coming to our event all the way down from Las Vegas. 
Evelina Mathews: Thanks so very much for your time. Thank you for taking care of our guests! You did such a great job that I’ll probably end up asking you to help again! 
Kevin and Julie Black: Thank you very much for be there! Your support won’t be forgotten! Your donation will be used to purchase the computers for the School Juan Pablo II in Lima-Peru.
Martha Leandro: Thank you for your kind donation. You are helping us to make a difference in the world. 
Jacqueline Leon-Clark: Thank you very much, especially for supporting the Peruvian children with your generous donation.
Carole McCormick: Thank you for your kindness and generous donation. 
Elizabeth Mathews: You not only are sweet, but also contributed to the success of the LEON Foundation event! Your generosity is highly appreciated!
Maria Leon: Your generous donation is deeply appreciated! I want you to know that we missed you.
Mason Leandro: What a gift you gave us with all your help! Thank you for all your support. 
Jessie Flores: Your support is appreciated! Every year LEON Foundation continues to advance its mission which is to support children education in Lima-Peru through technology. This will not be possible without your generous donation. 
William and Bernadette Delaney: Thank you for your generous support! And everything you do for Peruvian children. 
Pao Xiong: Thank you for your constant support! Your contribution will directly benefit the Juan Pablo II School in Moron, Lima-Peru.
Terry and Teresa Schmidt: Thank you so much for your generous donation! With the help of supporters like you, we will continue our mission and we will reach more Peruvian children to have access to technology. 
Lorena Albarran and Family: Thank you for your special support and for attending our Classical Guitar Concert and Dinner Fundraiser on August 12, 2012. 
Augustine Gomez: Thank you for helping us to organize our event! Thank you for your enormous amount of encouragement and generous contribution! 
Marilyn Brooks: Thank you for your gentle smiles that always brings joy to others! Thank you for your kind donation. 
Mike Leandro: Our appreciation for your generosity in support of LEON Foundation. Your support means very much to us. Thank you. 
Omar Rios: Thank you for your support and thank you so much for all you have done in favor of the Peruvian children.
Adriana Covarrubias: Thank you on behalf of the Peruvian children and thank you from LEON Foundation in particular for your kindness and support. 
Anita and Romy Sandhu: Thank you for attending our event on August 12, 3012. We deeply appreciate your presence. 
Champion Design and Printing: Thank you very much for your time and support! 
Last but not least, to all of our faithful supporters who attended our event and gave generously from their hearts,
Dr. Joyce Leon-Gomez
Founder-President LEON Foundation
August 16, 2012

President of Leon Foundation

Leon Foundation

Dr. Joyce Leon-Gomez continues to work tirelessly through the Leon Foundation to support Peruvian children education. She is grown more passionate about helping others as her father Raul A. Leon did. Joyce focuses her attention, her energy 
and her efforts on implementing computer labs in low income schools that will improve Peruvian children lives. She is also inspiring Peruvian children and American young people to make their best in achieving higher education. Each day President and Founder of Leon Foundation, Dr. Joyce Leon-Gomez is dedicated to making a difference.
Dr. Leon-Gomez established the Leon Foundation with the mission to improve Peruvian children education through technology and to expand the support to other countries in South America.

Classical Guitar Concert by Giacomo Fiore and Dinner Fundraiser